This project makes use of Nox to manage running tests and other tasks. The
tests can be divided into three categories: checks, unit tests and regression
(integration) tests.
defines “sessions” that configure these
tasks. These are described in the next section. The unit and regression tests
make use of pytest.
The repository includes a Poetry pyproject.toml
file to help you set up a
virtual environment with Nox and other development dependencies. From the
repository checkout root directory execute:
poetry install
Poetry version
You might encounter issues with Poetry if you are not using the same version
(especially older versions) as the one used to create the poetry.lock
file. The poetry version recorded near the top of
will be your best bet for avoiding issues,
but newer versions should work as well.
Poetry will create a virtual environment in .venv, which you can activate like this (on Linux/macOS):
source .venv/bin/activate
Now Nox is available for running the tests. Alternatively, you can run Nox through Poetry:
poetry run nox
Starting nox
without any arguments will run the check, check_docs,
unit and regression sessions. Refer to the next section for an overview of
all sessions.
Running the tests on Windows
Some tests rely on symlinked files checked into the repository. Git on Windows requires some additional configuration to be able to support these.
Nox Sessions¶
The following sessions execute unit tests and regression tests:
Runs the unit tests.
Runs integration/regression tests. Each of these tests render a tiny document (often a single page) focusing on a specific feature, which means they also execute quickly. Their PDF output is compared to a reference PDF that is known to be good. This requires Graphviz, ImageMagick and either MuPDF’s mutool or poppler’s pdftoppm to be available from the search path.
These sessions are parametrized in order to run the tests against both the
source and wheel distributions, and against all supported Python versions.
Executing e.g. nox --session unit
will run all of these combinations. Run
nox --list
to display these. You can run a single session like this:
nox --session "<session name>"
These are variations on the unit and regression sessions that run the (relevant) tests against several versions of the principal rinohtype dependencies, docutils and Sphinx (respecting version constraints specified in
Note that for development purposes, it generally suffices to run the default set of sessions. Continuous integration will run all session to catch regressions.
The other environments run checks, build documentation and build “binary” distributions for Mac and Windows:
Performs basic checks; just
poetry check
at this point.check_docs
Perform checks on the documentation source files using doc8 and sphinx-doctest. restview can be useful when fixing syntax errors in
, …build_docs
Build the rinohtype documentation using Sphinx, both in HTML and PDF formats.
(not maintained, broken?)Build a stand-alone macOS application bundle using briefcase. This task can only be run on macOS.
(not maintained, broken?)Build a stand-alone rinohtype installer for the Windows platform with the help of pynsist. This task also can be run on platforms other than Windows.
Customization settings for doc8 and pytest are stored in setup.cfg
Testing against multiple Python interpreter versions¶
Nox facilitates running tests on multiple Python interpreter versions. You can
combine the unit
and regression
sessions with a Python version
number to execute it on a specific Python interpreter version. For example,
to run the unit tests with CPython 3.8:
nox -e unit-3.8
While it is typically sufficient to test on a single Python version during development, it can be useful to run tests on a set of Python versions before pushing your commits. Of course, this requires these versions to be available on your machine. It is highly recommended you use pyenv (or pyenv-win) to install and manage these. For example, to install CPython 3.8.1, you can run:
pyenv install 3.8.1
and pyenv will download, build and install this version of CPython for you.
pyenv will install the different Python versions in an isolated location
(typically under ~/.penv
), so they will not interfere with your
system-default Python versions.
The file .python-version
in the root of the repository specifies which
Python versions pyenv should make available whenever we are inside the
repository checkout directory. The file lists specific the versions of CPython
rinohtype aims to support plus recent PyPy3 versions (ideally, we should
closely track the latest releases). The
script can install
these for you (skipping any that are already installed).
Continuous integration¶
GitHub Actions automatically executes the Nox sessions when new commits
are pushed to the repository. The Nox sessions are run on Linux, macOS and
Windows, and run the tests against an array of Python, docutils and Sphinx
versions to make sure that we don’t break any corner cases. See
for details.
Making a release¶
This is a list of steps to follow when making a new release of rinohtype. Publishing the new release to PyPI and uploading the documentation to GitHub Pages is handled by the GitHub Actions workflow.
Make sure your checkout is clean.
Update dependencies:
poetry show --outdated poetry update
Run basic tests and checks locally:
Push your commits to master on GitHub. Don’t create a tag yet!
Check whether all tests on GitHub Actions are green.
Set the release date.
in src/rinoh/ (YYYY-MM-DD
)add release date to this release’s section in the CHANGELOG (see other sections for examples)
commit these changes as Release x.y.z
Create a git tag:
git tag v$(poetry version --short)
Push the new tag:
git push origin v$(poetry version --short)
The GitHub workflow will run all Nox sessions and upload the new version to PyPI if all checks were successful.
Create a new release on GitHub. Include the relevant section of the changelog. Use previous releases as a template.
Tag version: the release’s tag vx.y.z
Release title: Release x.y.z (date)
Add a link to the release on PyPI:
Install from [PyPI](
Copy the release notes from the change log
Bump version number and reset the release date to “in development”.
poetry version patch # or 'minor'
add new section at the top of the changelog
in src/rinoh/ to'in development'