
class rinoh.structure.ListItemLabelStyle(base=None, **attributes)

Style class for ListItemLabel


Characters inserted between the number label of this element’s parent and this element’s own number label. If None, only show this item’s number label. (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts StyledText: a list of styled text strings, separated by spaces. A styled text string is a quoted string (' or "), optionally followed by a style name enclosed in braces: 'text string' (style name)

Default: (no value) (overrides ParagraphStyle default)


Width to render the flowable at (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts FlowableWidth: auto, fill or a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: fill


Indentation of the first line of text (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0pt


Spacing between the baselines of two successive lines of text (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts LineSpacing: a predefined line spacing type or the name of a line spacing type followed by comma-separated arguments enclosed in braces: <spacing type>(<arg1>, <arg2>, ...)

Default: default


Alignment of text to the margins (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts TextAlign: left, right, center, justify

Default: justify


List of tab positions (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts TabStopList: a comma-seperated list of tab stops. A tab stop is specified as <position> [align] [fill string], where position (Dimension) is required and align (TabAlign) and fill string (string enclosed in quotes) are optional.

Default: (no value)


How numbers are formatted (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts NumberFormat: none, number, symbol, lowercase character, uppercase character, lowercase roman, uppercase roman

Default: None


At which section level to restart numbering (positive: absolute, negative: relative) (inherited from ParagraphStyle)

Accepts Integer: a natural number (positive integer)

Default: (no value)


Horizontal alignment of the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts HorizontalAlignment: left, right, center

Default: left


Vertical space preceding the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Vertical space following the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Left margin (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Right margin (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Left padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Right padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Top padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Bottom padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Keep this flowable and the next on the same page (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: false


Border surrounding the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border left of the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border right of the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border above the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border below the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Color of the area within the flowable’s borders (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Color: HEX string with optional alpha component (#RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, #RGB or #RGBA)

Default: none


Type of page break to insert before rendering this flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Break: none, any, left, right, any restart, left restart, right restart

Default: None


Text to prepend to the label (inherited from LabelStyle)

Accepts StyledText: a list of styled text strings, separated by spaces. A styled text string is a quoted string (' or "), optionally followed by a style name enclosed in braces: 'text string' (style name)

Default: (no value)


Text to append to the label (inherited from LabelStyle)

Accepts StyledText: a list of styled text strings, separated by spaces. A styled text string is a quoted string (' or "), optionally followed by a style name enclosed in braces: 'text string' (style name)

Default: (no value)


Use a custom label if specified (inherited from LabelStyle)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: false


Typeface to set the text in (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Typeface: the name of a typeface. See rinoh --list-fonts for a list of the available typefaces.

Default: Times


Thickness of character outlines relative to their height (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts FontWeight: hairline, thin, ultra-light, extra-light, light, regular, normal, book, roman, medium, semi-bold, demi-bold, bold, extra-bold, ultra-bold, black, heavy, extra-black, ultra-black

Default: 500


Slope style of the font (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts FontSlant: upright, oblique, italic

Default: upright


Stretch of the characters (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts FontWidth: ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, normal, medium, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded

Default: 5


Height of characters (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 10pt


Color of the font (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Color: HEX string with optional alpha component (#RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, #RGB or #RGBA)

Default: #000


Variant of the font (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts FontVariant: normal, small capital, oldstyle figures

Default: normal


Vertical text position (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts TextPosition: normal, superscript, subscript

Default: normal


Improve inter-letter spacing (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: true


Run letters together where possible (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: true


Allow words to be broken over two lines (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: true


Minimum number of characters in a hyphenated part of a word (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Integer: a natural number (positive integer)

Default: 2


Language to use for hyphenation. Accepts locale codes such as ‘en_US’ (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts Locale: locale identifier in the <language ID>_<region ID> format

Default: en_US


Prevent a line break after these words (inherited from TextStyle)

Accepts NoBreakAfter: language-default, or a space-separated list of words

Default: language-default


Item to insert before this one (inherited from InlineStyle)

Accepts StyledText: a list of styled text strings, separated by spaces. A styled text string is a quoted string (' or "), optionally followed by a style name enclosed in braces: 'text string' (style name)

Default: (no value)


Item to insert after this one (inherited from InlineStyle)

Accepts StyledText: a list of styled text strings, separated by spaces. A styled text string is a quoted string (' or "), optionally followed by a style name enclosed in braces: 'text string' (style name)

Default: (no value)


Suppress rendering this element (inherited from Style)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: false