Language (rinoh.language
- class rinoh.language.Language(code, name, **localized_strings)¶
Collects localized strings for a particular language
- Parameters:¶
- code : str¶
short code identifying the language
- name : str¶
native name of the language
- paragraph
label for referencing paragraphs
- section
label for referencing sections
- chapter
label for top-level sections
- figure
caption label for figures
- table
caption label for tables
- listing
caption label for (source code) listings
- contents
title for the table of contents section
- list_of_figures
title for the list of figures section
- list_of_tables
title for the list of tables section
- index
title for the index section
- attention
title for attention admonitions
- caution
title for caution admonitions
- danger
title for danger admonitions
- error
title for error admonitions
- hint
title for hint admonitions
- important
title for important admonitions
- note
title for note admonitions
- tip
title for tip admonitions
- warning
title for warning admonitions
- seealso
title for see-also admonitions
The following languages are supported:
rinoh.language.CS =
Language('cs', 'Česky')
¶ Localized strings for Česky :figure: Obrázek :table: Tabulka :contents: Obsah :list_of_figures: Seznam obrázků :list_of_tables: Seznam tabulek :chapter: Kapitola :index: Rejstřík :attention: Pozor! :caution: Pozor! :danger: !NEBEZPEČÍ! :error: Chyba :hint: Poznámka :important: Důležité :note: Poznámka :tip: Tip :warning: Varování :seealso: Viz také
rinoh.language.EN =
Language('en', 'English')
¶ Localized strings for English :paragraph: Paragraph :section: Section :chapter: Chapter :figure: Figure :table: Table :listing: Listing :contents: Table of Contents :list_of_figures: List of Figures :list_of_tables: List of Tables :index: Index :attention: Attention! :caution: Caution! :danger: !DANGER! :error: Error :hint: Hint :important: Important :note: Note :tip: Tip :warning: Warning :seealso: See also
rinoh.language.ES =
Language('es', 'Spanish')
¶ Localized strings for Spanish :figure: Figura :table: Tabla :contents: Contenidos :list_of_figures: Índice de figuras :list_of_tables: Índice de tablas :chapter: Capítulo :index: Índice :attention: ¡Atención! :caution: ¡Cuidado! :danger: ¡PELIGRO! :error: Error :hint: Pista :important: Importante :note: Nota :tip: Consejo :warning: Precaución :seealso: Vea también
rinoh.language.FR =
Language('fr', 'Français')
¶ Localized strings for Français :figure: Figure :table: Tableau :contents: Table des Matières :list_of_figures: Liste des Figures :list_of_tables: Liste des Tableaux :chapter: Chapitre :index: Index :attention: Attention! :caution: Prudence! :danger: !DANGER! :error: Erreur :hint: Conseil :important: Important :note: Note :tip: Astuce :warning: Avertissement :seealso: Voir aussi
rinoh.language.HU =
Language('hu', 'Hungarian')
¶ Localized strings for Hungarian :contents: Tartalomjegyzék :list_of_figures: Ábrák Listája :list_of_tables: Asztalok Listája :chapter: Fejezet :index: Index :attention: Figyelem! :caution: Vigyázat!! :danger: !VESZÉLY! :error: Hiba :hint: Tanács :important: Fontos :note: Megjegyzés :tip: Tipp :warning: Figyelmeztetés :seealso: Lásd még
rinoh.language.IT =
Language('it', 'Italiano')
¶ Localized strings for Italiano :figure: Figura :table: Tabelle :contents: Contenuti :list_of_figures: Elenco delle Figure :list_of_tables: Elenco delle Tabelle :chapter: Capitolo :index: Indice :attention: Attenzione! :caution: Prudenza! :danger: !PERICOLO! :error: Errore :hint: Consiglio :important: Importante :note: Nota :tip: Suggerimento :warning: Avvertimento :seealso: Vedi anche
rinoh.language.NL =
Language('nl', 'Nederlands')
¶ Localized strings for Nederlands :paragraph: Paragraaf :section: Sectie :chapter: Hoofdstuk :figure: Figuur :table: Tabel :listing: Lijst :contents: Inhoudsopgave :list_of_figures: Lijst van Figuren :list_of_tables: Lijst van Tabellen :index: Index :attention: Opgelet! :caution: Pas op! :danger: !GEVAAR! :error: Fout :hint: Hint :important: Belangrijk :note: Noot :tip: Tip :warning: Waarschuwing :seealso: Zie ook
rinoh.language.PL =
Language('pl', 'Polski')
¶ Localized strings for Polski :figure: Ilustracja :table: Tabela :contents: Spis Treści :list_of_figures: Spis Ilustracji :list_of_tables: Spis Tabel :chapter: Rozdział :index: Skorowidz :attention: Uwaga! :caution: Ostrożnie! :danger: !NIEBEZPIECZEŃSTWO! :error: Błąd :hint: Wskazówka :important: Ważne :note: Notatka :tip: Porada :warning: Ostrzeżenie :seealso: Zobacz również