Tables (rinoh.table)

class rinoh.table.Table(body, head=None, align=None, width=None, column_widths=None, id=None, style=None, parent=None)

alias of TableStyle


Determine number labels and register references with the document

render(container, last_descender, state, space_below=0, **kwargs)

Renders the flowable’s content to container, with the flowable’s top edge lining up with the container’s cursor. descender is the descender height of the preceding line or None.

class rinoh.table.TableWithCaption(flowables, align=None, width=None, id=None, style=None, parent=None, source=None)

alias of TableWithCaptionStyle

class rinoh.table.TableWithCaptionStyle(base=None, **attributes)

Style class for TableWithCaption


Float the flowable to the top or bottom of the current page, to a dedicated page, or sideways to a dedicated page (inherited from FloatStyle)

Accepts FloatLocation: none, here, sideways

Default: None


Width to render the flowable at (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts FlowableWidth: auto, fill or a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: auto


Horizontal alignment of the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts HorizontalAlignment: left, right, center

Default: left


Vertical space preceding the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Vertical space following the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Left margin (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Right margin (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Left padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Right padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Top padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Bottom padding (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Keep this flowable and the next on the same page (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: false


Border surrounding the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border left of the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border right of the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border above the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Border below the flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Stroke: the width (Dimension) and color (Color) of the stroke, separated by a comma (,)

Default: none


Color of the area within the flowable’s borders (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Color: HEX string with optional alpha component (#RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, #RGB or #RGBA)

Default: none


Type of page break to insert before rendering this flowable (inherited from FlowableStyle)

Accepts Break: none, any, left, right, any restart, left restart, right restart

Default: None


Suppress rendering this element (inherited from Style)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: false


Title to precede the flowables (inherited from GroupedFlowablesStyle)

Accepts StyledText: a list of styled text strings, separated by spaces. A styled text string is a quoted string (' or "), optionally followed by a style name enclosed in braces: 'text string' (style name)

Default: (no value)


Spacing between flowables (inherited from GroupedFlowablesStyle)

Accepts Dimension: a numeric value followed by a unit (pt, in, pc, mm, cm, %, /2, /4)

Default: 0


Keep all flowables on a single page, if possible. (inherited from GroupedFlowablesStyle)

Accepts Bool: true or false

Default: false

class rinoh.table.TableSection(rows, style=None, parent=None)

Determine number labels and register references with the document

class rinoh.table.TableHead(rows, style=None, parent=None)
class rinoh.table.TableBody(rows, style=None, parent=None)
class rinoh.table.TableRow(cells, style=None, parent=None)

Determine number labels and register references with the document


Return a dictionary mapping column indices to the number of columns spanned.

class rinoh.table.TableCell(flowables, rowspan=1, colspan=1, id=None, style=None, parent=None)

alias of TableCellStyle

class rinoh.table.TableCellBorder(rendered_cell, cell_height, position, style=None)

alias of TableCellBorderStyle

class rinoh.table.TableCellBackground(bottom_left, width, height, style=None, parent=None)

alias of TableCellBackgroundStyle

class rinoh.table.VerticalAlign

Accepts: top, middle, bottom

class rinoh.table.ListOfTables(local=False, id=None, style=None, parent=None)
class rinoh.table.ListOfTablesSection

alias of ListOfTables